Is running help us to lose weight fast?

pranab mohanty
3 min readJan 1, 2021

Is running help us to lose weight fast?

running to lose weight

Sure definitely it will work for you if you run 10 minutes a day to lose weight. for my suggestion, if you walk for 7km then it will work better for you and also every age of people. keep in mind that losing weight is the balance between your physical work and your diet. so control your food habit and do physical work regularly to lose weight in a healthy way.

As everyone knows running or walking is the best physical exercise to keep you fit and make you away from obesity. Let’s learn something more about Running.

How to burn calories through running?

food that helps to lose weight

Burning extra calories is one of the best exercises for running to lose weight. To lose weight, you just need to eat fewer calories in no time. Makes it easy to run. For a 150lb. A person walking for 20 minutes burns 200 calories. This is great for only 20 minutes of work.

Apart from running, you should take care of your food habits or your diet. if you want to achieve a great result then you must keep yourself away from your favorite unhealthy foods. just avoid junk and fried foods and try to take green salads, fruit salads as much as you can.

How to run for beginners to lose weight?

If you are new to the running scene then it is best to start slow. Try walking for 1 minute, then run for 1 minute, alternating for 20 minutes. Just make sure you are leaving more than once a week.

It is ideal to walk at least 3 or 4 times a week for best results. Once you are comfortable running every second minute you can walk for 1 minute and then 2 minutes.

Every week, or whenever you feel comfortable, just keep adding a minute. You will walk the entire mile in no time.

Is speed matter while running?

When you are running for weight loss it is not so important to worry about how fast you run, but how much distance you cover, and how long you stay active.

Feel free to keep track of how fast you run, but do not use it for how much weight you will use.

Diet for a runner for losing weight

As mentioned earlier, the only way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you take in each day.

You will not lose weight even if you are eating and eating unhealthy, calorie-rich foods. Also, runners need extra protein and good carbohydrates, so make sure you are getting enough from them each day.

A good way to fuel yourself for running and not consume too many calories is to add a protein bar to your daily diet.

Eat once after running to recharge your body. Also adding more fruits and vegetables will help you feel full and healthy while eating fewer calories.

How to get motivated?

If you still need some extra motivation to run, join, or invite your friends for the morning walk or run with you.

invite your nearer to a healthy running competition that will boost your morale for the jogging. In this way, you can increase your personal achievement by completing a race and strengthening friendship to lose weight.


Try this and maintain your diet to live a healthy life. Thanks. if you want to know something interesting about how to lose weight, then visit my site. HAVE A HEALTHY DAY.

